Thursday, October 28, 2010

Video presentation of Unsocial

Do you hear about "Unsocial" ?

This is a new social network with an interesting use. You can use Unsocial with your Iphone and your phone Android. The principle is simple: why would you be friend with someone you already know ? It's better to try to be friend with someone you don't know !
Unsocial is used to create connections with strangers you are supposed to like ! The catch phrase is "It's not who you know, it's who you need to know" !
But how does it work ? This application will be based on your profil's informations and will propose you some persons you're supposed to like. 
At the moment, this application is available in SF only. But it will be open to the all world in the next few months. 

Some others innovations

I think one of the most important innovation is ebooks. It's not very common right now, but I suppose people are gonna to use it more often in the few next years.

The use of this innovation

When one of my friend talk to me about this innovation, I didn't believe him !
With my Iphone, enhanced reality is a great application. Now when I'm in a street, I can know which restaurants, which undergroung stations or which shops are around me.

This innovation is helpfull in my personal life but also in my professional life. I think this innovation is going to be very important in the world of communication, marketing and advertising in the next few years. So I suppose I will use it at work !
I think it will impact the world because this innovation change our connection to reality. This is such a great source of informations. And I'm sure people are going to use it a lot in the next few years.

Such a great innovation

Let's talk about innovation. One of the most important in the last few months is the enhanced reality. This is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are augmented by virtual computer.
With the computer or an Iphone, the information about the surrounding real world of the user becomes interactive and digitally usable. Artificial information about the environment and the objects can be stored and retrieved as an information layer on top of the real world view.

Current applications of enhanced reality:
  - Advertising: Marketers started to use it to promote products via interactive enhanced reality applications.
  - Prospecting: In the fields of hydrology, ecology, and geology, enhanced reality can be used to display an interactive analysis of terrain characteristics. Users could use, modify and analyze, interactive three-dimensional maps
  - Architecture: Enhanced reality can be employed to simulate planned construction projects
  - Entertainment and education: It can be used in the fields of entertainment and education to create virtual objects in museums and exhibitions, theme park attractions, games and books

Futur applications:
It is important to note that augmented reality is a costly development in technology. Because of this, the future of this innovation is dependent on whether or not those costs can be reduced in some way. If it becomes affordable, it could be very widespread but for now major industries are the only buyers that have the opportunity to utilize this resource.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Second cybercrime: Identity theft

According to an investigation of the "Centre de recherche pour l'étude et l'observation des conditions de vie" (Crédoc), more than 210 000 persons are victim of an identity theft every year in France. There are more identity theft than burglaries or thefts. Traditionaly, identity theft are commited to trick banks, social aids, planning commition or French nationality.

Analysis: This identity theft shows how easy it is to become an other person thanks to Internet. That means we have to be very careful. We need to be vigilent about that. It must be really hard to identify someone who steal other's identity. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

First cybercrime: pedophile on Internet

Example of cybercrimes:
On October 8th, the spanish police arrested 57 pedophiles. For this investigation, 20000 Internet connetions have been analysed by 400 policemen. 328 hard disks, 40 computers and hundred of DVD have been collected during this operation. This investigation has been possible thanks to a new system of computer researches. This program called NordicMule helps to check people who exchange pedophile images to each other. This operation was one of the most important in Spain.

This example shows us that Internet can be very dangerous for young users. The policemen have a huge importance in this operation. There work is essential to stop the traffic of pedophile pictures. If I have been in the police, I would have try as much as I can to arrest pedophiles. Research this kind of dangerous men is a long work because policemen need to analyse all the images, all the hard disk and all the computers. 

Call me inspector

Since Internet is a huge part of our lives, there is an increase of crime. A cybercrime refers to any crime that involves a computer and a network. The most common crimes are hacking, copyright infringement, child pornography, and child grooming.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Internet: democracy or tyranny ?

With Internet, people think they can express themselves on every subjects. This is a kind of democracy beacause you can have an opinion and write it on Facebook, on blogs, on consumers sites. With Internet everyone has the rights to speak, to think and to publish informations.

But this image of democraty can be fake beacause some countries (like China) try to control Internet. Some sites are forbidden by the government. This control can be seen as an attack to the democracy.

The bad use of Internet is also an example of the dangerous aspects of Internet. Pedophiles can use Internet to trap someone, weird people can take your profil picture to use it on pornography sites... All these examples show that Internet isn't just a playtime. It can be seen as a tyranny for the one who have been trapped or abused.

If you are careful of your use of Internet, you will enjoy your online activities but if you don't pay attention, Internet can be very dangerous. From democraty, Internet can be seen as a tyranny.

Lets start with few rules

Internet is now a huge part of our lives. We are connected all day long and we use Internet for several things. But with Internet, there are some rules you should know:
  - Children have to be very careful because Internet can be dangerous for them. There are a lot of pornography sites and children can strumble upon them very easily
  - In internet you can find a lot of violent informations with racism and sexism
  - You have to be careful with social network. Don't write all your life on Facebook and don't say personal informations as your adress, your departure in holidays, your phone number...
  - Don't put naked pictures of you on Internet, everybody can find them and use it against you
  - Don't play at money games on Internet, it can be very dangerous and you can loose a lot of money
  - You need to select the informations you can find on Internet. Some are totally fake. You should check the informations before use it for your homework
  - Don't accept someone you don't know on Facebook
  - When you want to write on Internet or create a blog, you need to be careful about what you are writing. You need to respest people and not hurt them
  - Be carefull about the download on Internet. With the rule Adopi, you are not allowed to download videos or music free
  - Don't forget to explain about your sources on Internet. If you use some informations from an other blog, you have to write the name of the author

Now, you know some Internet rules. So lets enjoy the pleasure of Internet