Thursday, October 21, 2010

First cybercrime: pedophile on Internet

Example of cybercrimes:
On October 8th, the spanish police arrested 57 pedophiles. For this investigation, 20000 Internet connetions have been analysed by 400 policemen. 328 hard disks, 40 computers and hundred of DVD have been collected during this operation. This investigation has been possible thanks to a new system of computer researches. This program called NordicMule helps to check people who exchange pedophile images to each other. This operation was one of the most important in Spain.

This example shows us that Internet can be very dangerous for young users. The policemen have a huge importance in this operation. There work is essential to stop the traffic of pedophile pictures. If I have been in the police, I would have try as much as I can to arrest pedophiles. Research this kind of dangerous men is a long work because policemen need to analyse all the images, all the hard disk and all the computers. 

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