Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lets start with few rules

Internet is now a huge part of our lives. We are connected all day long and we use Internet for several things. But with Internet, there are some rules you should know:
  - Children have to be very careful because Internet can be dangerous for them. There are a lot of pornography sites and children can strumble upon them very easily
  - In internet you can find a lot of violent informations with racism and sexism
  - You have to be careful with social network. Don't write all your life on Facebook and don't say personal informations as your adress, your departure in holidays, your phone number...
  - Don't put naked pictures of you on Internet, everybody can find them and use it against you
  - Don't play at money games on Internet, it can be very dangerous and you can loose a lot of money
  - You need to select the informations you can find on Internet. Some are totally fake. You should check the informations before use it for your homework
  - Don't accept someone you don't know on Facebook
  - When you want to write on Internet or create a blog, you need to be careful about what you are writing. You need to respest people and not hurt them
  - Be carefull about the download on Internet. With the rule Adopi, you are not allowed to download videos or music free
  - Don't forget to explain about your sources on Internet. If you use some informations from an other blog, you have to write the name of the author

Now, you know some Internet rules. So lets enjoy the pleasure of Internet

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